How to Study Abroad Safely

in United Kingdom

Studying abroad is a perfect opportunity to get the most of the educational process and time spent in the foreign country. Still, there are some threats that you can face while staying in the other country that you have to take into consideration when planning to study abroad.

Here you will find useful information how to get a clear notion where you are going to study and how to stay safe in the place where you are going to live on the examples of the United Kingdom and the United States.

It is crucial to search for the most detailed information concerning the country you want to study in. There are lists of countries that are unadvisable to study in, because, for example, in case of injury or illness the insurance companies won’t compensate you the expenses in case if you are studying in the country from the list. That lists can be found on pages of Current US Travel Warnings and Current UK Travel Warnings.

Browse through the Internet in order to find all-encompassing information about culture, traditions and procedures on how to do certain things and much more, so you will secure yourself from the culture shock and avoid some awkward situations that unknowing people can make into. For example, Wikipedia is full of useful information concerning the traditions and culture of the certain countries.

Safety tips

Follow simple rules to protect yourself from trouble:
  1. Trust your instincts. If you are in the public place and feel uneasy, leave the place and go somewhere where you feel more comfortable
  2. Do not show new devices or cash – you will make yourself a target for thieves
  3. Do not broadcast the fact that you are foreigner – that will stop unwanted attention.
  4. Learn the location where you live – what areas to avoid, how does the public transport work.
  5. Drink with people whom you trust, or, better, do not drink at all.
  6. Keep in touch with people – so somebody should always know where you are going.